1. To bring the district membership back up over 1,250 members by strong initiatives to gain new members while retaining current members.
Extension efforts will start up at least four new Lions Clubs and a Branch Lions Club. All Lions Clubs will be encouraged to identify opportunities for Branch Lions Clubs in their geographical area and work with the Extension Chairman to form branch clubs. All Club Presidents will be strongly encouraged and coached to earn the 100% President and 100% Lions Club Awards, both of which involve a net increase in membership. All Lions will be encouraged and coached to earn the Golden Chain Award which includes the sponsorship of at least one new Lion.
Retention efforts will include each club conducting a Club Self Evaluation and preparing implementation plans. Each club will have an Orientation Program and a Public Relations Program. Lions will be informed and encouraged to be involved in inter club, Zone and District activities. Lions will be trained and urged to move into leadership positions in their Clubs and in the District. Sponsors will be expected to effectively guide and mentor their members to becoming and remaining good, active Lions.
All at risk Lions Clubs will be identified and rebuilding Lions recruited and assigned to ensure that these Clubs become strong Lions Clubs again.
All Zone Chairmen will meet or exceed all of the requirements of their office as set forth in the Zone Chairperson’s Manual. Zone meetings will be interesting, informative and fun, such that attendees will leave the meetings with the feeling that their time was well spent. All Zone Chairmen will earn the LCI Zone Chairman Excellence Award.
2. Two additional LEO Clubs will be formed during the year using experienced Lions and cooperative schools.
3. An excellent District Convention will be organized and conducted with maximum attendance and conducted such that there will be little or no financial impact on the District funds.
4. An outstanding State Convention will be organized and conducted at Jekyll Island. All District Lions and Lions Clubs will be expected to lend their physical and financial support to the Convention Committee to ensure a successful event.
5. All District Cabinet Chairmen will know their responsibilities and perform them to the best of their ability.
6. With the assistance of the PDG Association, build a waiting list of Lions who will methodically make their way up to Vice District Governor.