Lions Clubs International

District 18-B



Lillian Shurtleff, District Governor

E-mail: [email protected]

Welby L. Stayton, Cabinet Secretary E-mail: [email protected]
Richard S. Mizell, VDG, District Newsletter Editor E-mail: [email protected]

January 15, 2004


Governor‘s Comments...


Talk! Talk! Talk! Most Lions Clubs are the best kept secret in the community. Many Lions Clubs do so much to help their community through eyeglasses to coats to awards for outstanding youth and adults but no one knows anything about it.

Public relations involves all forms of communication. For the club, this could be a written news release, promotional flyers, wearing your Lions pin, being in a parade, or wearing the vest on White Cane Day. Public relations are important to the success of the Lions Club. Just conducting a service project is not enough—who will know who did it and why? Good public relations will foster a relationship between your club and people in need. Good public relations will help your club increase membership. People want to belong to a successful and reliable organization and by actively promoting your club and its activities; you will be projecting a positive image in your community and showing that your club is worth joining.\

First, always ask yourself, what is news? Would a non-Lion find this interesting? News offers information about activities or events that are of interest to the general public. News gives information about a specific topic whether it is the new officers, the dedication of a project, or the winner of the Peace Poster contest.

Before writing the story and taking pictures, contact your local newspaper and ask what format is appropriate and follow their guidelines. Be sure to correctly spell the name and title of each individual in the photo or article. The first paragraph should answer Who? What? When? Where? And How? Subsequent paragraphs should provide additional information. Keep the release to one page. Include a dateline, name and phone number of contact person, and a headline. Remember, there are stories that may be more interesting and timely than yours, so be prepared to have your release trimmed by the publisher.

Does your club have a Club Fact Sheet that provides background information to speakers and reporters? These could also be used as handouts at community events.

Has your club contacted local radio stations about public service announcements (PSAs)? These are brief 15-20 second messages about an organization or service that are aired at no charge. Notices of events, projects that benefit the community, public events sponsored by your club, and messages on blindness are all appropriate subjects. The key is that the message must benefit the community and not the club. Oftentimes, stations have production assistance available. All you may need is a script!

A wide variety of materials are available to help you develop your club’s public relations program. Contact Public Relations at (630) 571-5466 or email [email protected].

Oh, don’t forget to tell the DG about your club. Only two-thirds of the clubs in 18B send the DG what they have been doing during the month. All the secretary needs to do is fill in the District Governor’s Activities Report and mail it to the DG. This can also be done on line at So many clubs do good things for their community and no one knows, even District 18B.


Alamo Lions Club: MMR on time. No activities reported.

Alma Lions Club:

Baxley Lions Club: MMR received on time. Club sponsoring pancake breakfast to help raise funds for Veterans Memorial.

Bellville Lions Club: MMR received on time. Donated to $10 Million Club, American Cancer Society, and 2 membership for Campus Lions Club. Have 1 new member!

Blackshear Lions Club: MMR received on time. Had a boston butt sale and annual Christmas party.

Bloomingdale Lions Club: MMR on time. Donated to needy family. Had Christmas family dinner.

Brantley County Lions Club:

Brunswick-Gateway Lions Club:

Bulloch Lions Club:

Claxton Lions Club: .MMR received on time. Worked on community betterment. Lion Raybon Moore passed away.

Clinch County: MMR received on time. Held annual Christmas Ladies Night. Lion John Hughes named Lion of the Year. Lion Heinz Lutz passed away Nov. 28

Cobbtown Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Collins Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time.

Darien Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Douglas Lions Club: MMR on time. Had speaker from Coffee County High School new Naval JROTC program. Donated a computer to Camp for Blind. Lion Charles Stephenson received Lifetime member status.

Folkston Lions Club.

Garden City Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities reported received on time.

Golden Isles Lions Club: MMR received on time. Put out flags for Pearl Harbor Day.

Glennville Lions Club: .

Hazlehurst Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Hinesville Lions Club: MMR received on time. Have 3 new members!!!

Jacksonville Lions Club: MMR received on time. Awarded Melvin Jones Fellow to Lion Preston Fussel at a special dinner with 37 visitors from McRae, Baxley, and Bellville.

Jekyll Island Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Jesup Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report received on time.

Kingsland Lions Club:

Liberty Coastal Lions Club: MMR received on time. Donated to GLCB and purchased eyeglasses.

Lyons Lions Club: MMR received on time. Participated in Lyons Better Hometown Christmas Event.

McRae Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report received on time.

Metter Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report received on time.

Milan Lions Club: MMR received on time. Sponsored Milan Tour of Homes

Odum Lions Club: MMR received on time. Donated $2500 to Lions projects.

Patterson Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported. Long time Lion Claude Roberson passed away Dec. 20.

Pembroke Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Reidsville Lions Club: MMR received on time. Two New Members!!.

Richmond Hill: MMR received on time.

Rincon Lions Club: MMR received on time. Had Christmas Party.

Rincon Noon Lions Club: Received MMR.

Rincon – Savannah River Lions Club MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Savannah Lions Club: . MMR on time. Sold 475 Christmas trees as fund raiser.

Savannah-Chatham South Lions Club: MMR received on time. No activities reported.

Savannah-Hostess City Lions Club: . MMR received on time. One New Lion!

Savannah-Port City Lions Club: MMR received on time.

Springfield Lions Club:

Statesboro Noon Lions Club: Received MMRs.

Vidalia Lions Club: MMR on time Made donation to Food for Needy at Christmas.

Waycross Lions Club: .MMR received on time. One New Lion! Hosted 16 children and 5 adults with Christmas party. Volunteered as bellringers for Salvation Army.

Waycross-Okefenokee Lions Club: MMR on time. Had a boston butt sale. Sponsored breakfast with Santa. Received donation from Walmart for Camp for Blind.

Wilmington Island Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time.

Woodbine Lions Club MMR received on time. Purchased eyeglasses; had 47 hours community service

Clubs are reminded that MMRs are to be mailed to LCI and to the District Governor by the 5th of the next month. To have activities reported in Club Notes, secretaries are to submit a District Governor’s Contest Activities form to the District Governor by the 5th of the month. Report ONLY those activities that occurred in that month. Do not list by points but by activity.

Upcoming Articles in the Newsletter

February -       Youth Outreach Steve Bellmoff
                        GA Lions All State Band Marjorie Nesmith
                        International Convention VDG Rick Mizell

March -           Golden Chain Awards Stan Bazemore
                        Outstanding Blind Award Janet Ward
                        Outstanding Deaf Award M. P. Jones
                       Anne Sullivan Award Frank Jones

April -             LCIF Jerry Kaiser
                        State Awards Welby Stayton

May -              Send a Kid to Camp Day Thoris Youmans
                       Leader Dogs Evelyn Kennedy


Phillip Barton                    Rincon Noon Lions Club

Misty DeBlasio                 Rincon Noon Lions Club

Sundi Sharpe                     Rincon Noon Lions Club

Michael Sutton                  Rincon Noon Lions Club

David E. Bowman            Waycross Lions Club

Robert E. Cutbirth            Reidsville Lions Club

Lois Cutbirth                    Reidsville Lions Club

Donald H. Moore             Savannah Hostess City Lions Club



Last July, the Executive Board of LCI set the minimum membership levels for all Lions Clubs. Lions Clubs must have a minimum of 11 members. This is due to the cost of maintaining a Lions club.

If a Lions Club falls below the minimum of 11 members, LCI will take steps to revoke the charter of the club. The Lions Club does have other possibilities. The club may become a branch club of a local Lions Club. This way, the club may maintain some authority over its community projects and bank accounts. A club branch reports its membership and activities through the sponsoring club.

Let’s make sure that we do not have any Lions Clubs in 18-B with less than 11 members this coming June!

White Cane

The White Cane Fundraiser is a project established for all clubs in Georgia to raise funds for the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation and to raise awareness of the public to the services that the Lions of Georgia perform.

The following is an exert taken from the monthly newsletter of the Lighthouse. The newsletter is available on the web at There is a sign up form to register for e-mail notification of new issues of the newsletter.

"Just a reminder that it is not too late to begin planning for White Cane! Many Clubs hold their White Cane events in April, but clubs can hold these events at anytime of the year. All funds raised for White Cane go directly to sight services. We will be making some changes to the White Cane booklet this year, based upon your suggestion, and will be making it available to clubs earlier. Our goal for White Cane is $175,000. Please help us reach our goal this year!"

So far, this year MD18 has raised $6,903.94. This is a long way from the goal set by the Lighthouse. District B has contributed $25.00 for White Cane. Please ask your individual clubs to match this amount. Of course, any money sent to the Lighthouse is used for bettering the lives of those with sight and hearing impairments, and although there are many facets of the Lighthouse, we cannot forget the oldest fund raiser, The White Cane.

The booklets mentioned in the article are available from the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation. They can be ordered by calling (404) 325-3630 or 1-800-718-7483, or by email to [email protected] or [email protected]

Thank you for your continuing support.
Kay Spurley
White Cane Chairman, District B


Just a reminder that State and District dues are due January 18. Payment should be sent to Cabinet Treasurer M. P. Jones.

18 B District Convention

February 27-28, 2004

Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind

Waycross, Georgia

The 2004 18B District Convention will be held February 27 and 28 at the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind in Waycross, Georgia. Everyone is invited to attend our district convention this year. International Director David Roberts and his wife, Ann, from Arizona, will be our special guest and speaker for our convention. We hope that you can make your plans to attend the convention this year and join in the fun with all the other lions from 18B and across MD 18!

The host hotel for the convention is the Holiday Inn which is located at 1725 Memorial Drive, Waycross (US Highways 1 and 82). The special rate for rooms is just $59.95 per night which includes a complimentary buffet breakfast. Mention Lions Club Convention when you make your reservations to get the rate. If needed, the contact person at the hotel is Lois Gilliard.

The events of the 2004 18B Convention are:

Hospitality Room will be open at the Holiday Inn on Friday evening at 9:00 p.m.

PDG Luncheon at the Holiday Inn at 12 Noon on Saturday.

18 B Cabinet Meeting will be held at the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind at 2:30 p.m.

18 B District Convention Banquet at the GLCB at 6:00 p.m.

Hospitality Room at the Holiday Inn will be open Saturday evening at 9:30 p.m.

Banquet tickets are only $12.00 a person for a delicious buffet meal. For tickets, please send your reservation form and check to

PDG Larry Taylor
Convention Chairperson
1190 Lynn Drive
Waycross, GA 31501

RSVP by February 18, 2004

Liberty Day

Liberty Day is a non-partisan grassroots celebration of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Definition of 'Liberty' - the condition of being free to choose, with an implication of wisdom, responsibility and voluntary restraint.

"The Power under the Constitution will always be in the People." - George Washington

Liberty Day began as an idea of two members of the Youth Service Committee of the Lions Club of Denver . Teachers had a problem: civics had been made ‘voluntary’, decreasing the number of available civics books. But at the same time, many American history textbooks appeared without the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution printed in the back -- takes up too much room in the book, teachers were told. But how could kids be taught about those documents without ever seeing the words? So private donations were collected for the printing of a pocket-sized booklet containing only the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, for free distribution. Teachers were grateful, but had another problem. They teach around ‘themes’, they said, and the appropriate ‘theme day’ for instruction about those documents is July 4th -- a day when students are not in school. They needed a day during the school year to focus upon those documents and our nation’s heritage. So a ‘theme day’ was created - and a contest named it Liberty Day. In the first year, Liberty Day was celebrated on September 17th - the day the Constitution was signed. Too close to the beginning of the school year, teachers decided. Then it was suggested that Liberty Day be celebrated on December 15th -- the day the Bill of Rights was ratified. Too close to Christmas, teachers decided. Then they suggested that some time in March would be best for the school calendar -- and the birthday of James Madison, ‘father of the Constitution’, just happens to be March 16th! So Liberty Day became officially celebrated on March 16th.

On March 16th, Lions club members and other volunteers would distribute booklets to school classes with elected leaders of the community giving talks about the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.

The basic concern of the Liberty Day effort is citizenship - that quality in Americans showing them to be sufficiently aware of and interested in their government to make them competent and responsible self-governing citizens. When young people, who are the future citizens of this country, expressed a considerable amount of indifference toward their government, a seemingly legitimate question was raised: how can such an apathetic attitude among citizens maintain that degree of alertness required for American self-government? Over two hundred years ago, at the end of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, a curious woman asked Ben Franklin, “Sir, what have you given us?” He answered simply “A republic -- if you can keep it.” If you can keep it -- that is our challenge today. Ben Franklin recognized that it was not a certainty. We have been given freedom. We have been given liberty. We have been given self-government. But can we keep it? That is the responsibility of every American.

Liberty Day started as a project to provide booklets and speakers for the schools in the Denver area. Then other groups in society wanted the booklets. Boy scouts wanted them, to study for their merit badges. Immigrants wanted them, to study for the INS citizenship test. U.S. representatives wanted to give them to constituents at town meetings. Judges wanted them. Service group members wanted to give them to their grandchildren. Every citizen should have a copy of the founding documents.

Liberty Day came to Georgia by two visiting Lions from the Denver Lions Club who gave an inspiring program about Liberty Day to a Lions club in District 18-B. This club in turn contacted then District Governor, Chuck Shurtleff about the possibility of starting a Liberty Day activity in Multiple District 18. Lion Chuck presented a program to the Council of Governors who approved of his idea and appointed him chairman of this project.

2002 is the first year the Lions of Georgia have participated in this project. Many Lions Clubs across the state have started Liberty Day Programs to promote Liberty Day in their communities. For more information about Liberty Day and for Liberty Day Books contact Lion Winston Walker.

The following words were spoken by the late Red Skelton on his television program as he related the story of his teacher, Mr. Laswell, who felt his students had come to think of the Pledge of Allegiance as merely something to recite in class each day.

"I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you. If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word?"

I                               me, an individual, a committee of one.

Pledge                     dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.

Allegiance               my love and my devotion.

To the flag              our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there's respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!

United                    that means that we have all come together.

States                     individual communities that have united into 48 great states. Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.

And to the republic a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.

For which it stands, one nation
                               one nation, meaning "so blessed by God"

Indivisible              incapable of being divided.

With liberty           which is freedom -- the right of power to live one's own life without threats, fear or some sort of retaliation.

And Justice            the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.

For all                     which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.

Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance...

UNDER GOD Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?

God Bless America!


At the February 28 cabinet meeting/district convention, 18B will elect a district governor, a vice district governor, and a vice president to the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind. All candidates must submit a letter certifying their qualifications and intent to seek office to the District Governor at least thirty days prior to the convention. Also, each home club must submit a letter of endorsement of the candidate to the district governor. The deadline for both letters this year is January 29.

Candidates for district governor must have served or be serving as vice district governor. Candidates for vice district governor shall: (1) be an active member in good standing of a Lions Club in good standing; (2) secure the endorsement of his/her club or a majority of clubs in 18B; (3) have served or will have served as president of a Lions Club for a full term or major portion thereof and a member of the Board of Directors of a Lions Club for no less than two additional years, as a zone or region chairman or cabinet secretary or cabinet treasurer for a full term, and none being concurrently.

Candidates for the position of vice president of the GLCB must be a Lion in good standing and have served at least one full term as a regular director/officer or as a region/zone chair and associate director of the Camp. Each vice president will be elected for a two-year term and will be eligible to succeed himself/herself for one additional consecutive term.

If you qualify, please consider the two open positions. I ask all past district governors to actively recruit a Lion to serve in one of the positions listed above. For more information, please contact the district governor or Lion M. P. Jones, the present vice president of the Camp.


Set aside Saturday, April 17, to celebrate Lions Worldwide Induction Day!

Last year, more than 400 districts celebrated Lions Worldwide Induction Day and thousands of new members around the world were simultaneously inducted into Lions clubs. Press releases announced the vitality of our organization and together we recognized the importance of being part of the greatest service organization in the world. This is an event worth celebrating!

District 18B has put this event on the calendar. Plan to have your club participate. Participants will receive commemorative certificates. Look for more information on planning this event in coming newsletters.


Lion Winston Walker, Immediate Past President of the Hinesville Lions Club, was presented Lions Clubs International Presidential Excellence Award by DG Lil Shurtleff.

Lion Winston was the only 2002-2003 president in District 18 B to receive this prestigious award.


International President Dr. Tae Sup Lee will visit Georgia April 18 to 21. A special reception and dinner is planned for Tuesday, April 20. Hospitality begins at 6:00 pm and the dinner at 7:00 pm at the Renaissance Concourse Hotel, Atlanta Airport.

A special room rate of $79 is available at 888-391-8724 or 404-209-9999. Tickets for the dinner are $46 per person and are now available from PDG John Keeter, 4444 Lake Ivanhoe Drive, Tucker, GA 30084 or 770-560-2302.

Let’s make plans to welcome International President Lee to our great state!


Lion Heinz Lutz                   Clinch County Lions Club           November 28
Lion Raybon Moore            Claxton Lions Club
Lion Claude Roberson        Patterson Lions Club                   December 20


Each month, LCI send to the DG a recap of accounts by clubs. This recap shows the total balance each club owes, as well as amounts that are 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days, and 150 days late in payment. LCI does add a fee for late amounts.

As of November 30, of the 50 clubs in 18-B, 1 club has a 120 day late amount; 2 clubs have 90 days late amounts; 5 clubs have 60 days late amounts; and 7 clubs have 30 days late amounts.

There is no reason for a club to be more than 30 days late in paying any balance with LCI. This balance may be dues (payable in August) or supplies. All clubs should have received the second half dues statements from both LCI and the District. I do hope that all clubs will make the effort to clear up all late amounts owed to LCI as well as be current on the payment of the second half dues to LCI and our District.

Change is Good

This is the theme for this month’s newsletter. We are constantly reminded each day when the weather changes. From rain to sunny, from cold to warm. Such it is as we travel life’s journey. From time to time take a few moments to reflect on those moments in life where life changing moments where an event has occurred. These events can be good such as a College Graduation, the day of your marriage, a birth of a child. These are the days when change is good.

Another moment when change is good is when someone makes the life changing decision to accept the invitation to become a Lion. This is a moment that we often let slip by. All it takes is a simple invitation, Would you like to join me one night for dinner? Let me tell you about what the Lions do for our community.

Now there is another change that you may or may not be aware of. This is the change that you can make happen when you accept the call to become a Lion Leader. The key to success in community service is through taking a leadership role in the community. As Lions we are leaders of our community. But Lions Leadership is different than simply leading. It is being a Servant-Leader. It is through service that we lead. Whether it is leadership within the club or leadership in our district or state, we are in constant need of Lions to take on the Life changing role of a Lions Leader.

There are numerous opportunities for service as a Lions Leader. From serving as an officer of a club to serving as District Governor. You can serve as your abilities grow with your service. Now some of you might have a question such as; I don’t know how or I am not confident to lead a group of Lions? There are several programs available from Lions International. They are the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute for Lions of less than 5 years of service who have not served as Club President and the Senior Lions Leadership Institute for Lions who have served more than 5 years but have not yet served as Vice District Governor. These two programs provide the skills and confidence needed for a Lions Leader. The key word is confidence. Confidence in planning a successful project whether it is a fund raiser or a service project. Learn how to build a team with a vision for a mission of service. Confidence to run a successful club meeting or zone, region or district meeting. Confidence to stand before a group and speak with confidence. And above all the confidence to solve problems, solve differences, and enable prospective members to say yes to the question. Would you become a Lion?

Now there is a opportunity for service within District 18-B. We need excited, motivated Lions to serve in positions of leadership. In the coming months various Lions from across the district will be asked to step forward and answer that call to lead. There are zone and region chairpersons needed. There are 55 Committee and service assignments that need to be filled. When asked, please think carefully before responding. If you are unable to serve, please think of someone who you would like to see to serve in that position.

In a little more than a month from now, we will meet at our annual District Convention. At the convention it is our duty to elect the top leadership for this district. It is our opportunity to select the Lions who will represent our district to Lions Clubs International and to the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind. To date we have candidates for District Governor and Vice President of the Camp. We do not have a candidate for the position of Vice District Governor. This position is critical for the proper operation of the District. If we do not have a properly nominated candidate within 30 days of the convention (January 29). It will be necessary to call for nominations from the floor at the convention. This could result in the election of someone who may not have the qualifications or skills to lead our district.

There is another possibility that can occur. That possibility is that we elect no one to fill that position. The end result will be that the Region and Zone Chairpersons and the District Governor will have a heaver responsibility to serve the district. It is also possible for Lions Clubs International to step in and appoint someone to serve. That possibility can include the selection of a Past District Governor. I think this is a situation we can avoid.

If you have comment or suggestions on who you would like to see nominated for Vice District Governor, please contact District Governor Lil Shurtleff, Vice District Governor Rick Mizell or Cabinet Advisor Jerry Kaiser. If you know of someone who is qualified, please encourage that Lion to run. If you are qualified and have had reservations about running, please reconsider. This is the time our District needs strong leadership.

For proper nomination the following steps must be taken. First the candidate must have served as President of a Lions Club for one year. Must have served as a Director of a Lions Club for two years. Have served as a Zone Chairman or Region Chairman or Cabinet Secretary or Cabinet Treasurer for one year. The candidate will need to submit a letter indicating the intention to serve and the candidate needs to be nominated by the club that he/she is a member of or by a majority of the clubs in the district. The nomination must be in writing and received by the District Governor no less than 30 days prior to the District Convention (January 29).


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