Lions Clubs International

District 18-B



Lillian Shurtleff, District Governor

E-mail: [email protected]

Welby L. Stayton, Cabinet Secretary E-mail: [email protected]
Richard S. Mizell, VDG, District Newsletter Editor E-mail: [email protected]

February 15, 2004


Governor‘s Comments...


Innovation—we have covered almost all the ways we can be innovative. But…have clubs thought about allowing for the interests of their members. All of us have different interests—as can be seen when we find someone who has the same and “just can’t believe that we both like the same thing.”

Do you know the interests of your fellow Lions? When was the last time your club had a meeting that highlighted one or two members by allowing them the floor to tell of their interests. We might be surprised at what our fellow Lions like to do or what they do for a career or hobby. Plan a special member interest night for your club. One item I saw at several clubs in our district is a club directory. That directory not only lists the Lion’s address, email, and phone number, but also gives a short biographical sketch of the Lion’s history in Lionism as well as what the Lion does for a career and hobbies. Another clubs makes it a point to highlight the business interests of their members. It is not a crime for a Lion to talk about his or her career at a meeting. There is nothing in the LCI Constitution or Bylaws that prevents this and there should be nothing in your club’s Constitution or Bylaws to prevent this. Lions should network with other Lions.

Those interests might be just what your club needs for a project or to find that special person who would make an excellent project chair or recognize a person who should be considered for a club or district leadership position.

How many Lions have encouraged a fellow Lion to be an active part of his/her club or district? This is the question that I often wonder if anyone asks. This year, the district finds itself in a predicament that has not occurred for many years—we do not have a Lion willing to serve as vice district governor next year with our soon-to-be District Governor Rick Mizell. There are Lions out there that are qualified, yet no one has answered the call TO SERVE. The PDG Association and I have asked many Lions to encourage someone they know to serve. Even though the deadline for announcing candidacy has passed, a Lion can still qualify for nomination from the floor at the cabinet meeting on February 28. Each of us should thing about our promise to serve. Each of us should look around at the next meeting to see if any Lion has the interests to serve our district.

DG Lil


February 21-22         Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation

February 27-29         18 B District Convention, Camp for the Blind Waycross

March 6                    18 C District Convention

March 13                  18F District Convention

March 20                  18 A District Convention


Alamo Lions Club: Hosted Jan 19 Zone Meeting with 30 in attendance.

Alma Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time.

Baxley Lions Club: Collected/forwarded 102 pairs eyeglasses and 80 cases to Lighthouse

Bellville Lions Club: New Member! Purchased books on guide dogs for school library. Joined Chamber of Commerce

Blackshear Lions Club:

Bloomingdale Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Sold mops and brooms

Brantley County Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time.

Brunswick-Gateway Lions Club: MMR on time

Bulloch Lions Club:

Claxton Lions Club: .Received MMR & DG Activities report on time. Had 30 hrs. community betterment

Clinch County: MMR on time. No activities reported.

Cobbtown Lions Club: MMR on time. New Member!

Collins Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Two new members!!

Darien Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Collected 42 pairs of eyeglasses and cases for Lighthouse

Douglas Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Club donated 39 pints of blood in challenge. Bought eyeglasses. Article in “Going South Sportsman” on Big Buck Contest.

Folkston Lions Club. MMR and DG Activities report on time. Gave out 97 Christmas basket to needy. Donated to SEGD. Honored deceased Lion Kenneth Wainwright with Melvin Jones Fellow

Garden City Lions Club:

Golden Isles Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Had 156 hrs. community betterment

Glennville Lions Club: .MMR and DG Activities report on time. Planning membership recruitment activities.

Hazlehurst Lions Club:

Hinesville Lions Club: MMR on time.

Jacksonville Lions Club: .MMR and DG Activities report on time. Had 40 hrs. helping needy in community

Jekyll Island Lions Club: MMR on time. New Member!

Jesup Lions Club:. Received MMR and DG Activities report. Club purchased eyeglasses and made donations to Leader Dog, LCIF, GA Lions Band, and GLCB.

Kingsland Lions Club: MMR on time. Reported planning oyster roast Feb 21.

Liberty Coastal Lions Club: MMR on time. Two new members!!

Lyons Lions Club: New Member. Had program on RB&D.

McRae Lions Club:

Metter Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Contributions sent to Lions projects. Attended zone meeting in Statesboro.

Milan Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. Attended zone meeting.

Odum Lions Club: MMR on time. Had 208 hrs. community betterment.

Patterson Lions Club: MMR on time. Participated in food pantry bingo for community.

Pembroke Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. 1 new member!

Port Wentworth Lions Club:

Reidsville Lions Club:

Richmond Hill: MMR on time.

Rincon Lions Club: Purchased 10 pairs of eyeglasses for needy.

Rincon Noon Lions Club: MMR received.

Rincon – Savannah River Lions Club

Savannah Lions Club: . MMR and DG Activities report on time. Purchased 17 pairs eyeglasses and collected for Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Savannah-Chatham South Lions Club: DG Activities report received on time. Had 32 hours community betterment

Savannah-Hostess City Lions Club: . MMR and DG Activities report on time. Had 120 hours community betterment.

Savannah-Port City Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time. New member! Donated photographic equipment to St. Mary’s Home.

Springfield Lions Club: 3 New Members!!! MMR on time

Statesboro Noon Lions Club: MMR on time.

Vidalia Lions Club:

Waycross Lions Club: .

Waycross-Okefenokee Lions Club: Two new members. Had 450 hours on community betterment

Wilmington Island Lions Club: MMR and DG Activities report on time.

Woodbine Lions Club MMR and DG Activities report on time. New Member!

Clubs are reminded that MMRs are to be mailed to LCI and to the District Governor by the 5th of the next month. To have activities reported in Club Notes, secretaries are to submit a District Governor’s Contest Activities form to the District Governor by the 5th of the month. Report ONLY those activities that occurred in that month. Do not list by points but by activity.

Upcoming Articles in the Newsletter

March -       Golden Chain Awards Stan Bazemore
                    Outstanding Blind Award Janet Ward
                    Outstanding Deaf Award M. P. Jones
                    Anne Sullivan Award Frank Jones

April -         LCIF Jerry Kaiser
                    State Awards Welby Stayton

May -          Send a Kid to Camp Day Thoris Youmans
                    Leader Dogs Evelyn Kennedy

Lions donated US$667 million in 2002-03

Annual Lions Club Activities Report (Form A-1) tabulations for 2002-03 have revealed the generosity of Lions clubs worldwide. Club secretaries have reported that Lions clubs donated:

an average of $14,577 to charitable causes. This represents estimated worldwide contributions of $667 million (based on 45,766 clubs as of 6/30/03).

an average of 1,420 volunteer service hours. This represents an estimated 65 million volunteer service hours (based on 45,766 clubs as of 6/30/03).

For the fourth year (Form A-1 was introduced in 1999-2000), the most implemented Lions club service project was aiding the elderly. The most frequently implemented projects are:

aiding the elderly (51% of clubs)

collecting eyeglass (41% of clubs participated)

scholarships (37% of clubs)

youth recreation/sports (37% of clubs)

community clean-up projects (34% of clubs)

blood donations (30% of clubs)

community recreation (29% of clubs)

vision screenings (28% of clubs)

drug awareness (26% of clubs)

culture/the arts (25% of clubs).

In addition, club secretaries reported that Lions clubs worldwide collected more than 7.3 million pairs of eyeglasses and more than 170,000 hearing aids.

Lions Clubs International Convention 2004

July 5-9, 2004
Detroit, Michigan, USA/
Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Each year, in late June or early July, Lions club members from more than 100 countries come together for the Lions International Convention. For at least five days, Lions conduct association business, share fellowship and enjoy the sights of an international city.

Typically attended by nearly 20,000 Lions and their family members, the Lions International Convention is one of the largest annual gatherings of its kind in the world.

You and your family are cordially invited to experience a truly international event.

Detroit has had a profound impact on the world - from the invention of the automobile to the Motown music sound. At the start of the 21st century, metro-Detroit is starting to reap the rewards of decades of work put into revitalization. Windsor is situated just south of Detroit on an international border. Visitors can enjoy miles of walking paths along the Detroit River, shopping in the city center and visit the casinos.

The week of July 5 - 9, Detroit/Windsor will host the association's annual international convention. Nearly 20,000 Lions from over 100 countries and geographical locations will partake in a week of seminars, exhibits, fellowship and excitement. Delegates will vote for executive officers and international directors as well as changes to the Constitution and Bylaws. The Lions of Michigan and Ontario eagerly await your arrival. Click here for Registration Information.

2004 Convention Schedule


9:30 A.M. STEP-OFF

6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.

8:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.

9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.

2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

7:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M.

9:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M.

12:30 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.

2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.

8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.

8:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.

7:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.

9:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.

12:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M.


Regular (1/1/04-3/31/04)
Adult - $90 Child (17 and under) - $20

Late (4/1/04-onsite)
Adult - $100 Child (17 and under) - $30


Offers a unique opportunity to meet and network with Lions from around the globe. An opportunity like this is not fully provided by the multiple conventions and regional forums many Lions attend.

Provides educational seminars that address a variety of issues that concern Lions.

Offers Lions, Leos and their guests an opportunity to visit a different city or country and learn about its people, traditions and culture. The convention is held in a different city each year.

Allows members attending the convention the opportunity to voice their opinion on the future of the association by voting for officers, directors and changes to the constitution and by-laws. Click here for Registration Information.

FEBRUARY 28, 2004

The 2004 18 B District Convention will be held on February 28 in Waycross, Georgia. Everyone is invited to attend our District Convention this year. International Director David Roberts and his wife, Anna, from Arizona will be our special guests and speaker for our convention. We hope that you will make your plans to attend the convention and join in the fun with all the other Lions from 18B and across MD 18.

The host hotel for the convention is the Holiday Inn, 1725 Memorial Drive, Waycross. The special rate for rooms is just $59.95 plus tax per night and includes a buffet breakfast. Please call (912) 283-4490 to make your reservation. Ask for the special Lions of Georgia rooms.

The events of the 2004 18 B Convention are:

Hospitality Room will be open at the Holiday Inn on Friday at 9:00 pm
18 B Cabinet Meeting will be held at the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind at 2:30 pm
18 B District Convention Banquet at the Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind at 6:00 pm
Hospitality Room at the Holiday Inn, Saturday evening, 9:00 pm

Banquet tickets are only $12.00 per person for a delicious buffet meal. For tickets, please send your reservations to PDG Larry Taylor, Convention Chair, 1190 Lynn Drive, Waycross, GA 31501 or phone him at 912-284-1861 (evenings)

Clubs are reminded to bring door prizes to the Cabinet Meeting, minimum $5.00 cost, no gag gifts please. Also please remember to sell your District Raffle Tickets and bring the stubs and money to the Convention.


All clubs should have an elections committee in place with a slate of officers to vote upon not later than the end of March. The officers for the 2004-2005 Lions year must be reported on the PU 101 form to the District Governor not later than APRIL 15.

Clubs should remember that this is not the date on the PU 101 form. The date on the form is the deadline for mailing the form to Lions Clubs International. April 15 is the District Deadline! As DG, I must record the information and then forward the forms to DGE Rick Mizell as he has another deadline for club information.

If your club does not submit a PU 101 by April 15, please understand that you will be phoned and emailed repeatedly at a time that is convenient to the DG until the information is correctly reported.


At the recent GLCB meeting, the list of associate directors was available. Many clubs in 18B have not reported their associate directors to the Camp, the Lighthouse, or RB&D. Many of the associate directors listed are no longer Lions.

Clubs must report their associate directors each year by August 15. It is not too late to appoint a director as all three organizations will be having meetings during this latter part of the year. Also, if a member of your club is already a trustee or director of one of our organizations, do not appoint that person as your associate director. This deprives your club of an additional vote.

Send the name, address, email and phone number of your appointees to their appropriate organization. The addresses are found in the directory.


International President Dr. Tae Sup Lee will visit Georgia April 18 to 21. A special reception and dinner is planned for Tuesday, April 20. Hospitality begins at 6:00 pm and the dinner at 7:00 pm at the Renaissance Concourse Hotel, Atlanta Airport.

A special room rate of $79 is available at 888-391-8724 or 404-209-9999. Tickets for the dinner are $46 per person and are now available from PDG John Keeter, 4444 Lake Ivanhoe Drive, Tucker, GA 30084 or 770-560-2302.

Let’s make plans to welcome International President Lee to our great state!


The Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind held its meeting on January 31-February 1 in Warner Robins.

Congratulations to PDG Billy Marshall on his election to serve as our trustee for another term. Also, congratulations to Lion Edward H. Ressler of the East Cobb Lions Club who was elected president.

Many thanks to the representatives of 12 of our clubs who were present for the weekend meetings.


Lonnie Joyce                     Alamo Lions Club

Freida Johnston                 Alamo Lions Club

William H. Storck             Bellville Lions Club

Don Kennedy                    Cobbtown Lions Club

Kyle F. Sapp                    Collins Lions Club

Catherine J. Sapp             Collins Lions Club

Jerry Morris                     Jekyll Island Lions Club

Ralph C. Culberson         Liberty Coastal Lions Club

Ellen H. Culberson          Liberty Coastal Lions Club

Ricky Newsome              Lyons Lions Club

Cheryl Josey                   Pembroke Lions Club

Carlton Phillips              Rincon Lions Club

Joyce Bovee                   Savannah Port City Lions Club

Claude Kicklighter         Springfield Lions Club

David Crawley               Springfield Lions Club

David Hendrix                Springfield Lions Club

Roger Summerall            Waycross Okefenokee Lions Club

Ricky Summerall            Waycross Okefenokee Lions Club

Chandra B. Yadav          Woodbine Lions Club


Lion Herbert E. Widincamp                   Darien Lions Club
Lion Warren Buckingham                       Jekyll Island Lions Club


DG Lil needs to hear from each club as to the names of any Melvin Jones Fellows they have presented this year or plan to present by June 1. These names are needed for the MD 18 Convention program.

If your club has presented a MJF or plans to present one, please send the name of the Lion to DG Lil. She promises to keep future presentations a secret until the convention.

Don’t forget that there will be a Melvin Jones Fellow luncheon at the convention on Saturday, June 19!


LCIF grants to 18 B have totaled $134,893.32 since July 1994. These grants have been for emergencies such as tornadoes and floods, for a Habitat home in Waycross, and to expand the Camp. The Camp has applied for a second grant to construct a new health center complex.

To date this year, our district has contributed $7,390 to LCIF. LCIF Contributing Member pins are available for donations of $20, $50, and $100. If you or someone you know or someone in your town has benefited from the six LCIF grants we have received, why not become a LCIF Contributing Member. Just ask PDG Jerry Kaiser, District LCIF Chair, VDG Rick Mizell, or the DG.


Every two-three years, each Lions Club should take the time to have a committee review its Constitution in accordance with the Lions Clubs International Club Constitution. As times and events change our lives, so does our Constitution and By-laws change. For example, there are still clubs in our district that have a clause in their By-laws stating that the club is a “men only” club or that “lady members are not allows.” In the late 1980s, LCI said that this clause should not be in any club’s constitution or bylaws. Clubs may include in their bylaws that a vote of the present members is necessary to approve a membership application.

Other changes such as the qualifications for office, types of membership, required number of meetings per months, etc., have changed over the years. Has you club brought its Constitution and Bylaws up to date? If not, Lion President, create a committee today to do so.

Lions Clubs International has Club Constitutions available. Go to Click on Resources. Select Publications. From the list at the right, select Legal. You will then see Constitution—Lions Club. Just click on it and have it print. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can download it free.


Club secretaries, it is time to familiarize yourself with the Annual Lions Club Activities Report (Form A-1). You are required to complete the summary of your club’s activities and mail the report to LCI and the DG by the deadline.

The form may be downloaded or filed electronically through Each club should provide a copy of the report to the DG and retain a copy for their club files.


Charles H. Shurtleff III, a new Lion with the Hinesville Lions Club, received Boy Scouts’ highest volunteer award, the Silver Beaver Award, on February 5. This award was presented by the National Council through Coastal Empire Council in Savannah.

Lion Charles is presently an Assistant Scoutmaster with Troop 500 in Hinesville, He was a Cub Scout with Pack 500, received his Eagle Scout Award in 1990. In addition, he attended the 1985 National Jamboree, served on staff at the 1989 Jamboree, served in troop and district positions to include Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner and on training staffs. He has received the Scoutmaster Training Award, Scoutmaster Key, and District Award of Merit. He is a Vigil member of the Tomo-chi chi Lodge, Order of the Arrow and serves as Creek Chapter Advisor.

He joins a select group to include Lion Roy Stewart of the Lyons Lions Club who received his Silver Beaver in 2003 and Lion John Christensen of the Hinesville Lions Club who received his Silver Beaver in 2001.

The GA Lions Band & Youth Foundation

(GLB&Y) was formed to underwrite the Georgia Lions All-State Band and other Lions youth activities. It is now a 501C3 Foundation; therefore your donations are tax deductible.

The GLB&Y Foundation designed a unique Commemorative Pin to help raise needed funds for support. There are three (3) levels of contributions.

¯ Gold = $100.00 ¯

¯ Silver = 50.00 ¯

¯ Bronze = 25.00 ¯

Attachments to the pin will be in the form of different musical instrument to represent each year of donation giving. The 2003 instrument is a Trumpet.

To donate to the Foundation, you may purchase the pin and attachment from the District Governor or with the GLAB&Y Chairperson. Help support our youth thru this most worthy cause.


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