
The International Association of Lions Clubs affords abundant opportunities for each Lion to serve his fellowman. But to be aware only of the present robs one of a proper perspective from the past.

History helps us to understand the present and to reflect on how problems of the past have been resolved. History leads us to appreciate with greater feeling the toil of those who accomplished so much before us, and history helps us to evaluate the present as plans for the future are formulated. An appropriate historical record is necessary for inspiration, reflection, and appreciation.

This volume stands as a testimony to the unselfish efforts of more than 10,000 Lions in over 300 clubs who have etched their impact on the lives of many who may never know their benefactor. It is the history of Lionism in Georgia, during the decade of the seventies, compiled from materials in each of the six districts in Multiple District 18.

The opening chapter highlights the beginning of the decade with the Lions year 1969-70. Each of the six districts have a chapter which sketches the activities, leadership, and services rendered. It is a story of growth in membership, growth in service, and growth in state-wide projects and cooperation.

This volume is not the work of one individual but of thousands of Lions committed to serving mankind. However, special words of gratitude go to State Historian Eugene Sanders and to each of the District Librarians who have faithfully fulfilled the Constitutional requirement of writing a ten-year Georgia Lions history.

As the decade of the eighties is launched, may we challenge all Lions to greater achievements, intensified harmony, and unselfish efforts.

John F. Pearce
District Governor 18-D and
Council Chairman, 1979-80

April 14, 1982

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