Lions International


By Percy Plant – Georgia State Historian

1955-1956 was the first year in which District 18 has operated with six districts. The change from four districts was a good one as the year has shown that a District Governor can do a better job with a smaller number of clubs. As an example, District Governor W. Lane Stokes, of 18F, got away to a flying start by visiting all his clubs by October 24,1955.

We have been fortunate in having six conscientious District Governors who have worked together in the interest of Lionism. The following record of our district in clubs and members is a result of their leadership.

District   # clubs    # members   
A 41 2,078
B 36 1,309
C 49 1,865
D 40 1,659
E 38 1,786
F 34 1,233
238 9,930

As usual Georgia Lionism showed an increase – last year we had 225 clubs and 9,357 Lions.

When we reach the level of 250 clubs and 10,000 Lions, the state will be in a position to have a full-time secretary with International paying most of the expense. This forward step is not far off.


Dist. Gov. 18A 
Frank Mock 
Northeast Atlanta
Dist. Gov. 18B 
Wm. P. Sims Jr.




All districts have a record of all secretaries’ reports to International on time. This is splendid evidence of the fine spirit and ability of our Club Secretaries, our Cabinet Secretaries, and our District Governors.


The Georgia State Convention at Savannah last year was an excellent one. It was marked by the change from four to six districts and also by the adoption of a new State Constitution and By-laws submitted by a committee headed by International Counselor A. F. Rolf.

The International Convention at Atlantic City had more Georgia Lions in attendance than any previous convention. For the first time we had a Georgia Hospitality Room.

The coming International Convention at Miami is to be a record breaker. Georgia will have a float and four high school bands in the parade. Each district will have Welcome Booths in Georgia for the entertainment of Lions passing through the state on the way to Miami.

Dist Gov. 18C
R. A. Collins


Georgia Lions all over the state were busy with worthwhile activities.

Blackshear, with a Tobacco Queen Contest, raised $6400 for a swimming pool.

Towns County secured national recognition with the sponsorship of a Georgia Mountain Fair.

Bremen raised $411 from a Horse Show for an essay contest, a free swimming pool, and a recreational program including supervised play for the Little League, Babe Ruth League, Tri-Hi-Y and Hi-Y.

Buckhead Lions Club made $2700 from a Camellia Show for a children’s hospital.

Dist. Gov. 18D
H. O. Carlton

The Cordele Lions Club bought new instruments for their high school band to replace equipment destroyed by fire.

Washington had the 12th Annual Fall Carnival and netted $2500 in three evenings.

The Garden City Lions Club of Augusta secured recognition on page 34 of the June issue of THE LION magazine. A page article explained how the club organized a Clothing Exchange to gather 20,000 garments for needy citizens.

Boynton used a national holiday to clean up the premises of a blind man and paint his house inside and out.


The Georgia Lighthouse for the Blind is having its best year yet.

From January 1 through April 30, the Lighthouse has purchased 397 pairs of glasses, 11 artificial eyes, and paid 148 hospital bills. The cost of the program in dollars was $18,019.92; the result in happiness is immeasurable.

District 18A had a regional meeting for club officers with a District Educational Program. This consisted of a panel discussion by International Counselors to educate club officers in their duties.

District C had a fine District Assembly in, Moultrie with Vice-president Ed G. Barry as guest; also a Zone Social in Dawson with Vice-president Dudley Sims, as guest. In addition, International President Humberto Valenzuela is to visit Bainbridge on June 21.

District F had a District Contest which produced wonderful results. Of 32 clubs participating, 13 had attendance records over 85%--and 17 over 80 %

A one line report from Riverdale, “Johnny Lamb can now see after an operation,”

Dist. Gov. 18E 
 Marion Roberts 
Dist. Gov. 18F 
Lane Stokes

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