Lions International


By Percy Plant – Georgia State Historian

Another good year in Multiple District 18! Much credit is due our six conscientious District Governors who made a fine record in visiting clubs and promoting Lionism.

Thanks mainly to a nice increase in District C, we have now exceeded 10,000 members.

# clubs    

# members        

District   1956  1957  1956 1957
A 41 40 2,078 2,027
B 36 36 1,309 1,296
C 49 60 1,865 2,052
D 40 39 1,659  1,699
E 38 38 1,786 1,762
F 34 33 1,233 1,180
238 246 9,930 10,016

The 10,016 members is only one-half of the magic figure, however. When we reach the level of 250 dubs and 10,000 Lions, the district can have a full-time secretary with Lions International paying most of the expense.

During the coming year we should be able to pass the mark of 250 clubs without difficulty. This is most important as a full-time paid secretary will provide a base for state activities and a continuity between administrations. In addition, a secretary will relieve the District Governors of much of the paper work and detail which burdens them at present.


Through the month of March, all secretaries’ reports from all districts have reached International on time. This represents, not only a fine spirit, but also hard work by club secretaries, cabinet secretaries and District Governors.

Dist. Gov. 18A
Dr. Bert R. Smith
Cartersville, Ga
Dist. Gov. 18B
Carlos D. Greenway, Jr.
Alma, Ga.


The 1956-57 Georgia State Lions Convention in Augusta was one of the most interesting and instructive ever held in Georgia. Features were: the presence of International Vice-President Edward Barry and Lioness Barry; top flight speakers; and a fine spirit of fellowship and Lionism.

The North Dekalb Lions Club was awarded the District Governor’s Cup for the best all-round club in Georgia.


Georgia was on the map at Miami!

In the big parade we had five bands representing the Lions clubs of Athens, Druid Hills, Gainesville, Moultrie and Waycross.

We had three beautiful floats. Our Lions float, the Lighthouse, won third prize; our scenic float, Georgia peaches, won fourth prize. Our large uniformed delegation won fifth prize.

Georgia had a big hoe-down at the Miami Beach Auditorium.

An inspiring Georgia Breakfast had International Director-General Roy Keaton as speaker.

The Georgia Hospitality Room was just about the friendliest and best at the convention. Large bouquets of orchids go to the Lions and Lionesses who worked with a real spirit of Lionism in the Hospitality Room.

Dist. Gov. 18C
Arthur O. Justice
Fitzgerald, Ga.


The Reidsville Lions Club raised $4,134 for 175 acres of land for a State Park.

18F is a Boy Scout District with most of the clubs sponsoring Boy Scout troops.

Broxton Lions Club completed a swimming pool for the community-a fine contribution by a small, active club.

Vidalia Lions Club helped secure a medal from the Carnegie Hero Foundation for a Negro who gave his life in trying to save several children from a burning building; also an endowment for the widow of $80 per month for nine years. The club itself raised $313 for the widow.

Winder Lions Club burned the last note on the club’s building valued at $50,000.

Dist. Gov. 18D
Ed M. Dyer
Decatur, Ga.

Lanier County completed a $3,000 job of cleaning Lake Irma.

A Horse Show by Tallapoosa Lions Club raised $7,500 for the club’s youth program.

Roswell Lions Club honored a local doctor for his 43 years of service by a banquet and engraved plaque.

Washington Lions cleared $3,000 from the Annual Fall Carnival which ran four days.

On June 5, 1957, the Waycross Lions Club is to observe its 35th anniversary. The honored guest and speaker will be our beloved International President from North Carolina, John L. Stickley.


The name of the Lighthouse is now, Georgia Lions Lighthouse, Inc., as we have secured permission to use the word, "Lions" in the name. 

The Gainesville Lions Club has started the ball rolling with a $1,000 check for a Lighthouse Foundation.

In the past ten months of the fiscal year, the Lighthouse has continued its fine work. It has paid for 420 pairs of glasses, fifteen artificial eyes and 151 hospital cases, all at a cost of $21,308.46.

Dist. 18E
Charles H. Orrick, Sr.
Thomaston. Ga.
Dist. Gov. 18F
Henry M. Willis
Washington, Ga.

District 18A has presented a splendid pamphlet, "A Study of Lionism." It supplies information in regard to the International organization, its influence on world affairs, the state organization, awards and other matters of interest.

Two Georgia concerns on several occasions have had full page ads in THE LION magazine:.. Scripto with its pen and pencil sets, and Benson with: its "Old Home Fruit Cake. "

District 18C had a streamlined District Assembly at Radium Springs near Albany, featured International Vice President Clarence L. Sturm of Wisconsin.

On January 14, 1957, at Atlanta, Lions International was presented a plaque by the Georgia Optometric Association and the American Optometric Association for its pioneering effort and the 34 years of service in sight conservation. The presentation was made by Ernest Vandiver, Lieutenant-Governor of Georgia, expressing the appreciation of the people of Georgia, to Lions International Director George L. Seamon of Florida.


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