A History of Georgia Lions


This History of the 1980s

is dedicated to the following

Past State Historians

Percy Plant Eugene Sanders Hugh A. lnglis Ken Massingale


In memory of Percy Plant, Decatur Lions Club.. ................... 1947-1964

In honor of Eugene Sanders, Decatur Lions Club ............... .1964-1983

In memory of Hugh A. lnglis, Athens Lions Club ................ 1983-1984

In honor of Ken Massingale, Decatur Lions Club.. .............. .7985-1986


Lionism of the 1980s

During the 1980s Lionism in the state of Georgia (Multiple District 18) saw a lot of different changes taking place. This era of Lionism saw the end of the eye bank at Emory University sponsored by the Lions of Georgia. During this era of Lionism we saw the development of a statewide newspaper that was mailed to all the Lions of Georgia.

During the 1980s we saw many changes and opportunities developed for the Lions of Georgia. Many new projects were thought of to help the various communities in the state. We saw the end of the state secretary for the Lions of Georgia being done away with. We saw more responsibilities taken over by the council of governors, We saw the state office moved from Macon to Milledgeville, Georgia, with Linda Selby staying on as the office secretary for the Lions of Georgia. We saw the end of the Lions Peach Bowl being sponsored by the Lions of Georgia. Olin C. Newby, past district governor, was asked to serve as district governor again by the district 18F convention. This was a first in Georgia Lionism. This situation has occurred several times since then.

During the ’80s Georgia had two Lions to serve as international director. In 1983 John Franklin Pearce of Dahlonega, Ga., was elected to serve a two-year term at the international convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, June 22-25, 1983. Myers Banister of the Young Harris Club was elected to serve a two-year term at the international convention in Denver, Colorado, June 29-July 2, 1988.

The state conventions of the Lions of Georgia were held in the following cities during the 1980s: Jekyll Island, 1980; Macon, 1981; Columbus, 1982; Augusta, 1983; Savannah, 1984; Albany, 1985; Macon, 1986; Savannah, 1987; Atlanta, 1988; Albany, 1989; and Columbus, 1990. All of these conventions were well attended conventions of the Lions of Georgia.

During the 1980s four different Lions served as the state historian. They were Eugene Sanders of the Decatur Club, 1980-1982; Hugh lnglis of the Athens Club, 1983-1984; Ken Massingale, 1985- 1987; and Olin C. Newby, 1988-1990.

During the 1980s four different Lions served as the state Lion Tamer. They were James B. Zittrauer of the Henry Grady Club, 1980-1982; Donald R. Hardigree of the Winder Lions Club, 1983-1984; Bob Campen, Lizella Club, 1985-1986; and William G. Bross, Thomson Lions Club, 1987-l 990.

In the latter part of the 1980s the Lions of Georgia saw the need to publish a state newsletter. The first publication was sent out in 1989. This reading of this publication was enjoyed by all.

The Peach Bowl held in Atlanta, GA., since 1969, which was sponsored by the Lions of Georgia, came out of sponsorship by the Lions of Georgia.

As you will see in the following pages the Lions of Georgia have been busy promoting Lionism and serving their fellow man.

Table of Contents

District 18-A

District 18-B

District 18-C

District 18-D

District 18-E

District 18-F

Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, Inc.

Georgia Lions Camp for the Blind, Inc.


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