Constitution and By-Laws 14 February 1970 ARTICLE I. NAME The name of this organization shall be: GEORGIA LIONS PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS ARTICLE II. PURPOSE SECTION A. The purpose of this organization is: 1. To foster an esprit de corps among the Past District Governors of Multiple District 18, International Association of Lions Clubs. 2. To support and promote the best interests of Lionism by cooperating with its leadership. 3. To upgrade Lionism by using the best intelligence, experience and dedication of the Past District Governors to offer constructive criticism and creative ideas. 4. To act only in the role of counselors, advisors and willing assistants through proper channels of authority, wherever and whenever advice and assistance will benefit Lionism. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP SECTION A. The membership shall include all Past District Governors who are members In good standing of a Lions Club in Multiple District 18. SECTION B. A member may withdraw by notifying an Officer, in writing, that he wishes his Name to be removed. ARTICLE IV. FEES AND DUES SECTION A. See By-Laws No. 2. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS SECTION A. The Officers shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Immediate Past President. ARTICLE VI. ELECTIONS SECTION A. The President shall appoint a Nomination Committee of no fewer than three Members at least sixty days prior to the Annual Meeting. The Chairman Shall be from the District in line for the office of President. SECTION B. The office of President shall be filled from each District in alphabetical sequence. SECTION C. The Nomination Committee shall report at the Annual Meeting and shall at that time receive nominations from the floor. SECTION D. The election shall immediately follow the closing of nominations. The Nomination Committee shall then serve as an Election Committee and Proceed with the election. A plurality vote shall be necessary to elect. SECTION E. The Officers shall take office on July 1st and serve for one year or until their successors shall have been elected. ARTICLE VII. DUTIES OF OFFICERS SECTION A. The Officers shall comprise the Executive Committee empowered to act for the Organization within the limits of its Constitution and By-Laws and/or the frame-work of the objectives of International Lionism. SECTION B. The President shall be the Executive Officer of the Organization and the Chairman of the Executive Committee. He shall preside at all meetings. He shall appoint all committees with the assistance of the Executive Committee. He shall direct the work of the Officers and the Committee Chairmen. He shall call regular and special meetings. He shall see that the purposes and functions of the Organization are accomplished and he shall call for reports by its Officers and Committees. He shall represent the Association at all meetings of the State Council which he is invited to attend and shall be reimbursed for his expenses in attending as our representative at the rate of $50.00 per year. SECTION C. The Vice-Presidents shall assist the president as directed by him, shall perform the duties of the President in his absence and according to rank, succeed him in office if he is unable to perform his duties. SECTION D. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the minutes of the Annual Meetings, called meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee. He shall keep a mailing list of all members. He shall conduct correspondence as directed by the President, notify members of meetings and otherwise do the work of a Secretary. He shall keep a permanent file of all such records, make reports when called upon by the Officers, and transmit all records to his successor in office. SECTION E. The Immediate Past President shall assist the President as directed by him and make available his knowledge and experience as President. SECTION F. If the office of President or a Vice-President should become vacant, the Vice-Presidents shall move up and the Executive Committee shall appoint a Second Vice-President from the District in alphabetical sequence. The Secretary-Treasurer may be appointed from any District. ARTICLE VIII. MEETINGS SECTION A. There shall be an Annual Meeting, during the time and in the city of the District 18 Convention, at which the official business of the Organization shall be conducted. Two thirds of the membership in attendance shall be necessary for a quorum at an Annual Meeting. SECTION B. A mid year meeting may be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee. A quorum shall be constituted by two thirds of the members present. On a two thirds vote of those present, official business may be transacted at an Annual Meeting, excepting the election of officers. SECTION C. A Special Meeting may be called by the President, by the Executive Committee, or by 25% of the membership. In the latter case the names of those requesting the meeting must be filed, in advance, with the President or the Secretary-Treasurer. SECTION D. A called Special Meeting shall convene centrally in District 18 and all members shall be notified, by mail, fifteen days prior to the meeting date which notice shall state the purpose of the meeting. SECTION E. Two Thirds of the membership in attendance shall be necessary for a quorum at a called Special Meeting. SECTION F. All meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order. ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENTS SECTION A. This Constitution may be amended at any Annual Meeting or Mid Year Meeting, where a quorum is present, by a two thirds vote of those present. SECTION B. No vote may be taken on an Amendment unless a written notice stating the exact wording of the proposed amendment shall have been mailed to all members at least thirty days prior to the meeting date. FINIS
The Organization has no authority in the International Association of Lions Clubs.
However, the Organization proposes that its members and the Organization shall in all
matters of conduct and actions related to Lionism be governed by the stated and implied
principles, rules and purposes of Lions International.
The dues shall be $10.00 per year unless changed by a two thirds vote of those present at
an Annual Meeting or Mid Year Meeting. Failure to pay dues does not forfeit membership
but it does forfeit the right to vote. No assessments may be made but free-will donations
may be solicited upon approval of the Executive Committee.
The following committees shall be appointed each year, and may succeed themselves by
Constitution and By-Laws: To make copies of this instrument available to all
members, to guard against non-compliance, and to direct and supervise changes
when deemed necessary.
Membership-Personnel: To prepare a brief, personal history of each Past District
Governor and to keep such records up to date year by year. Inform the President
and the Secretary-Treasurer about serious illness, death or any other circumstance
of a member that is of proper interest or concern to the Organization.
History: To bring together an historical statement of the Organization from its
inception and to keep it up to date.
Annual, Mid-Year, and Special Meetings: To plan and make arrangements for
any special features of entertainment, guests, dinners, and those features other
than the business sessions.
Committee for Unified Effort: To discover, to create, and to solicit from others,
suggestions and requests for actions that promote and fulfill the purposes of the
Organization and submit them, in writing, to the President and Secretary-Treasurer.