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Imagine life in a community where people care about people. People helping people, providing needed services through love and understanding.

Imagine a construction professional working hard to make a living building structures that we all take advantage of. Who discovers that he or she can no longer see enough to work. And has no health insurance. Cannot work. This person was found by a Lion who referred him to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation. Surgery with follow up care was performed. Now back at work.

What about a young student in school who is often called to the principal’s office for misbehaving in class? This student could not see the front of the class and was bored. Got eye screening and glasses.

What about the infant who seems to not engage with others? There was a Lion with a Vison Spot Screener that took a photo of the child. The screener indicated that there was a problem. The vision was saved by a series of eye-drops that was given. This issue would have been permanent if not completed by age three. There are some eye-care professionals that do not see infants. Early screening is important and sight saving!

What about the aging couple who constantly argue with each other? The problem turned out to be they could not hear. A Lions club referred them to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation where they received Hearing Aids.

What about someone who had lost his vision at an early age? No family, no friends, no means of leaving his home. Service dogs are a life transforming ally that enables mobility and independence. The Georgia Lions support Leaders Dogs for the Blind, Rochester Michigan and South East Guide Dogs in Palmetto Florida. Both schools raise and train service dogs to aid in a variety service needs. Dogs are matched to the recipient according to their disability.

A family that takes care of a blind disabled child 24/7. Would like some time off? The Georgia Lions Camp offers independence for youth through adults offering a camp setting for those with disabilities.

A disaster has struck, who is available to help distribute food and water, dry clothes, temporary shelter? The Lions can help with LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation) and Lions Alert. Lions who are trained and ready to provide for immediate needs after a disaster.


There are people in our community that care. They have been here since 1920. Who are they?

They are Georgia Lions. They are Loving Individuals Offering Needed Service. They serve the communities of Georgia. They are a part of Lions Clubs International. In 1917 a group of Business Leaders from across the United States came together, concerned that their talents at building their businesses could be put to better use helping their communities instead.

The result from this series of meetings led to the founding of the Lions Clubs. At first there were 25 clubs in the US with more being added daily. The Lion’s spirt came to Georgia in 1920 with the founding of the Atlanta Lions Club. The Lions Clubs was given direction and a challenge in 1925 by Helen Keller who at the convention of the Lions asked, “Will you not help me hasten the day when there shall be no preventable blindness; no little deaf, blind child untaught; no blind man or woman unaided? I appeal to you Lions, you who have your sight, your hearing, you who are strong and brave and kind. Will you not constitute yourselves Knights of the Blind in this crusade against darkness?”

The Lions work have continued for the last 100 years with work to prevent River Blindness in Central and Latin America. River Blindness was a preventable and reversible blindness caused by the bite of a small fly. The cure was a 20-cent pill taken twice a year. The problem was getting the pills distributed. A Georgia Lion solved the problem. Former US President Jimmy Carter, Past District Governor and his Carter Foundation along with donations from several pharmaceutical makers distributed enough pills to completely eradicate this form of reversible blindness in many parts of the world.

Imagine this, the Lions are not just about Vision and Hearing. Did you know that nearly one billion people go to bed hungry every night? Even in Georgia there are countless people that remain hungry. That’s why Lions and Leos are hard at work addressing this global need by providing help and hope to the children, families and neighbors who need it most. Lions and Leos distribute food to schoolchildren, stock food banks, create sustainable community gardens and lead community food drives to fight hunger where they live and work. We work to sustain life and dignity for the most vulnerable among us.

Lions are kind and generous people who want to help. That's why we work on projects to improve our communities and protect the environment.

The Lions are also concerned about raising awareness about Diabetes. People with diabetes are at risk of losing sight due to diabetes eye disease.  It is the leading cause of new-onset blindness in many countries.  All people with diabetes – both Type 1 and Type 2 – are at risk. That’s why everyone with diabetes should get a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once a year.

Childhood Cancer, Children are a gift to the world, yet every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer and less than half of the world’s children have access to effective care. Children who survive cancer are often left with debilitating effects that can impact their physical development and ability to learn. That’s why Lions and Leos are answering the call to expand access to life-saving treatment and support the children and families who need us most. We are working to give children with cancer a second chance at life.

 You have seen that there are caring people in our communities. If you have that kind of caring, loving attitude. Can you imagine yourself as a Lion?  We do! Please contact a nearby club, you will be glad you did!